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    Predefinito Garibaldi: The first global action hero

    Garibaldi: The first global action hero
    Revolutionary, sex symbol, global celebrity - as romantic heroes go, Guiseppe Garibaldi really took the biscuit. Paul Vallely celebrates his bicentenary
    Published: 30 June 2007

    Garibaldi, as every schoolboy used to know, was the chap who marched up and down Italy with 1,000 men in red shirts fighting everybody who was against the unification of the leg of Europe. He became so famous he had a biscuit named after him, which, as every schoolboy still knows, is called a "fly cemetery" or "dead-fly sandwich".

    Alas, such is the preoccupation of the modern world with revisionism and debunking, you are not to be allowed to be content with this iconic stub of information. For this year is the 200th anniversary of the birth of the great revolutionary fighter, and a recent book by Professor Lucy Riall suggests there may be less to our hero than meets the eye. Or perhaps more, depending on how you look at it.

    Some things she is not disputing. This handsome swashbuckler, with the regal bearing, long hair, full beard, burning eyes and trademark red cape cut a swathe through European politics during the mid-19th century. For three decades, Giuseppe Garibaldi was involved in every major battle in Italy, provoking revolution in Sicily, bringing about the collapse of the Bourbon monarchy, the retreat of the Austrian empire, the overthrow of the Papal States, and the creation of the Italian nation. And he did so with the glamour of a latterday Robin Hood. At one point the Pope put a large bounty on his head, but not one Italian betrayed him.

    Such was the romance of his story that Garibaldi was at one point possibly the most famous man in the world.

    But he was not a selfless, straightforward lionheart of the old school, says Professor Riall in her book Garibaldi: Invention of a Hero. Rather, he was the first of a new kind of "charismatic" political figure who self-consciously manipulated his public image to turn himself into a global brand, representing strength, bravery, manliness, saintliness and a spirit of adventure. He was the world's first modern media-savvy politician.

    He had plenty of raw material to work with. As a soldier, Garibaldi did not only show early mastery of the techniques of guerrilla warfare; he also demonstrated personal bravery bordering on recklessness - leading ferocious uphill bayonet charges against vastly superior opponents and literally over-running the enemy.

    As a political radical he was well ahead of his time. He was a republican who called for the legal and political emancipation of women, racial equality and the abolition of capital punishment. This was rooted in his early association with a mystic band of Christian communards, the St Simonians, whose creed, long before Marx, was "from each according to his capacity: to each according to his works; the end of the exploitation of man by man; and the abolition of all privileges of birth." But he was a tireless combatant against the clerical power of the Catholic Church, which he saw as the bastardisation of religion.

    He was a privateer off the coast of the Americas, whence he had fled after his first unsuccessful coup in Italy. There he joined the revolutionary struggles of young republics in Brazil and Uruguay, where he was frequently pictured on horseback, wearing a poncho, riding with the gaucho rebels, and where he first acquired the legendary red shirts, made for use in the slaughterhouses of Argentina.

    He had a prodigious sexual appetite. In Latin America, he stole from her husband Anna Maria Ribeiro da Silva, a woman of Portuguese and Indian descent, to become his lover, companion in arms, and wife. After she died, in retreat from a battle and pregnant with their fifth child, he eventually married again - only to discard his 18-year-old bride on their wedding day after discovering she had spent the night before with another man. He left broken-hearted women across four continents, including two English duchesses.

    "Most of what is written is about him has either been either very pro or very anti," said Professor Riall yesterday. "I wanted to say something more complicated: that he was extraordinary, but that he also had a very astute eye for putting his own heroism on display. He was the first modern political figure. He used the popular press - which was just emerging at the time with a huge appetite for a different kind of material to appeal to the wider class of less educated readers." The new scribblers wanted politics and history as living theatre, and that required heroes and villains.

    Garibaldi himself was not the inventor of this new political spin. Credit for that can go to Giuseppe Mazzini, the theoretical mind behind the move for an Italian nation. "Mazzini, who lived in London most of his adult life, started spinning Garibaldi in the international press in the 1840s," said Riall. The great hero of the Risorgimento, the propaganda said, was humble, honest, virtuous and brave - a simple patriot taking up arms against the evils of Austrian, Bourbon and papal rule, all of which went down very well with the anti-Catholic mood of England in that age.

    But if Mazzini started it, Garibaldi himself soon proved an imaginative pioneer of the manipulation of the press. In 1860, when he drove the massive Bourbon army out of Sicily, he did not just have 1,000 untrained volunteers to assist him; he had a press corps of more than 100 reporters. "He was extraordinarily adept at handing this great throng of journalists," said Riall. "He made time to talk to them and be nice to them." He even took time out, the night before he attacked Palermo, to sign autographs. "He was creating the model of the modern politician."

    Garibaldi shrewdly amended his image according to circumstances. Sometimes, his beard ragged and wearing a red poncho, he was the revolutionary cowboy bandit of the South American plains. Other times, his beard trimmed and clad in the blue uniform of the Piedmontese, he was the responsible army officer and the heart-throb of metropolitan Europe.

    The highpoint of his reputation came with that invasion of Sicily. First he crushed the Neapolitan army. Then, moving with remarkable speed, he bypassed the formidable Neapolitan navy - the largest in the Mediterranean - and crossed into the mainland and swept 300 miles north towards Naples. The population lined the roads as he passed. The men called him "Father of Italy" and the women brought out their babies to be blessed by him as he marched to meet the troops of Victor Emanuel of Piedmont. Hailing Piedmont with the words: "Greetings to the first King of Italy," Garibaldi, with extraordinary political naivete for a radical republican, surrendered his conquests - Sicily, half the Italian peninsula and the vast Neapolitan Royal Navy - to the new monarch without negotiation or condition.

    It was one of history's last great romantic moments. "What of Garibaldi!" wrote Ivan Turgenev. "One cannot believe it - one's heart stops beating." Writers and journalists churned out ever more intimate and sensational material, inventing all kinds of extra stories for him and frequently comparing him to the warriors of classical epic or medieval romance. His reputation crossed the world with the speed of fire. Lincoln asked him to become a general in the Yankee army at the outbreak of the American Civil War; Garibaldi said he'd only do it if he could have full command of the army.

    Garibaldi became the first contemporaneously famous international hero. A master seaman, he travelled to Rio de Janiero, Marseilles, Taganrog (in the Black Sea), South Shields and New York, where he was the first person ever to say no to a ticker tape parade.

    In London in 1864 people of all classes flocked to see him as he got off the train at Nine Elms. The crowds were so immense it took him six hours to travel three miles through the streets. The whole country shut down for three days. He met the great and the good. Literary figures including the poet laureate Alfred Lord Tennyson and Sir Walter Scott lauded him as the "Italian lion" and "the noblest Roman of them all". Staffordshire made figurines of him by the thousand. A new football club, Nottingham Forest, adopted Garibaldi-red as its colour. Peek Freans created the eponymous biscuits (allegedly based on a raisin bread with which he had fed his troops).

    On this triumphal tour he met everyone except Queen Victoria, to whom, like other political conservatives, Garibaldi was the Osama bin Laden of his day. "Garibaldi - thank God - is gone!" declared the Queen on his departure from London. The nation's Catholics agreed, for Garibaldi's visit had brought thousands to the streets chanting: "We'll get a rope, and hang the Pope. So up with Garibaldi!" Anticlericalist though the Italian hero was, he became the focus of a new superstition; his host's servants did good business selling hairs from his comb and tiny bottles of his used bathwater.

    The romance of Garibaldi has endured ever since. The fascist dictators of the 20th century extolled him. So did Zionist guerrillas in the 1950s and the Marxist revolutionaries of the 1970s, until Che Guevara supplanted him as an icon. More recently bedfellows as unlikely as the Italian media magnate Silvio Berlusconi, the Euro-racist writer Oriana Fallaci and the brutal Chechen warlord Shamil Basayev have been united in their glorification of Garibaldi. "Unhappy the land that is in need of heroes," Bertolt Brecht once said. Looking at Garibaldi you can almost understand what he meant.


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