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  1. #1
    Arthur I

    Predefinito Bollettino sul "Razzismo anti-bianco" e sulla distruzione delle società 'occidentali'

    Un po' di chiarimenti prima di iniziare:

    -Il presente topic ha lo scopo di riassumere il topic gemello presente su POL-Internazionale, ma senza post di commento. Verranno inseriti (e così si richiede a tutti) solo notizie attinenti al tema. I post non in linea verranno eliminati via via dai moderatori.
    Ricapitolando: niente post di commento (in alcun senso), nè notizie che non abbiano attinenza diretta o indiretta con l'argomento (ossia, ad esempio il razzismo arabo contro i neri in Darfur non è cosa trattabile qui).

    -Anche qui specifico cosa io intenda per occidentali: nulla che possa avere a che fare con questioni ideologiche e politiche. La comunanza riguarda l'essere "bianchi", ossia tutti coloro che discendono da popoli indoeuropei, ma anche tutti gli altri "bianchi" non-indoeuropei. Importante che abbiano una comunanza storico-culturale con i primi. In pratica, gli ungheresi o i baschi (ad esempio) ci possono/debbono interessare, mentre i bosniaci musulmani o gli albanesi musulmani no.
    Capisco che questo possa indispettire alcuni, anche alla luce di considerazioni sulla non-diversità (di certe) negli stili di vita quotidiani, ma rimane il fatto che i secondi sono oramai portatori (alla pari della gran parte dei nostri progressisti e ultra-liberali) di valori alieni e pericolosi, minanti tutto ciò che abbiano di più sacro.
    Chiedo perciò che eventuali post in loro difesa o riguardanti fatti aventi loro solo come (presunte) vittime vengano evitati, così come chiedo ai moderatori di eliminarli qualora venissero inseriti.

    -I primi inserimenti saranno quelli già presenti in POL-Internazionale. Dopo questo, i nuovi post verranno messi anche nel topic gemello, dove (come già ora avviene), li si potrà commentare liberamente, lasciando questo thread come di sola lettura.

    -Siete naturalmente invitati tutti a partecipare, inserendo notizie fresche o dimenticate, ma utili per l'argomento in questione. Solo una richiesta: si cerchi il più possibile di usare soprattutto articoli provenienti da fonti sicure e linkabili o comunque rintracciabili con facilità nelle emeroteche. Questo come preferenza. Il che significa che è anche utile inserire notizie più problematiche come fonte, ma che evidenziano questioni "nell'aria", ma di cui i mass-media evitano di trattare. Sarà poi cura di noi tutti aggiungere altre fonti e testi a supporto. Chiedo perciò che venga evidenziata come "problematica" una certa fonte, in modo che le notizie circolanti siano il più possibile indiscutibili (e quindi utili).

    -Sulle lingue degli articoli presenti, io direi di rimanere, oltre che all'italiano, solo all'inglese, al francese e allo spagnolo, lingue facilmente comprensibili dai più. Su eventuali altri contributi in lingue differenti, sarebbe il caso di associare una traduzione un minimo seria.

    -Il secondo post presente sarà usato come ricapitolativo dei link presentati via-via in tutto il thread. Si potrà perciò dare un'occhiata veloce a questo per accedere subito alle notizie "nude e crude". Le notizie invece normalmente postate nel resto del thread avranno commenti (nello stesso post della notizia), qualora l'autore del post ritenga utile evidenziare degli aspetti della stessa notizia. Magari si evitino commenti troppo lunghi (per questi c'è POL-Internazionale).

  2. #2
    Arthur I



    Discriminazione; Censura


    Attualità; Politica; Economia



    Discriminazione; Censura


    Discriminazione; Censura


    Attualità; Politica; Economia

    Discriminazione; Censura


    Attualità; Politica; Economia



    Attualità; Politica; Economia



    Attualità; Politica; Economia



    Attualità; Politica; Economia,00.html


    Discriminazione; Censura,,2-2005450600,00.html


    Attualità; Politica; Economia



    Discriminazione; Censura


    Discriminazione; Censura


    Attualità; Politica; Economia


    Attualità; Politica; Economia


    Discriminazione; Censura


    Discriminazione; Censura,00.html,00.html

    Senza riferimenti nazionali


  3. #3
    Arthur I


    Aggressione ai danni del figlio quattordicenne di Theo Van Gogh ad opera di alcuni marocchini:

    Le jeune fils du cinéaste Theo Van Gogh brutalisé par deux jeunes Marocains
    LE MONDE | 30.07.05

    Les Pays-Bas sont à nouveau en émoi depuis que la mère de Theo Van Gogh a affirmé, dans une interview télévisée, que son petit-fils, Lieuwe, 14 ans, le fils du cinéaste assassiné par l'islamiste radical Mohammed Bouyeri, avait été brutalisé à deux reprises par de jeunes Marocains.

    Mme Van Gogh s'exprimait au lendemain du verdict prononcé, mercredi 27 juillet, par le tribunal d'Amsterdam, qui a condamné l'assassin de son fils à la réclusion criminelle à perpétuité.

    La grand-mère du jeune Lieuwe soutient que son petit-fils a été agressé à deux reprises alors qu'il promenait son chien. Interrogé par ses agresseurs sur son identité, il aurait nié, en vain, être le fils du cinéaste. Des voisins se seraient aussi alarmés quand ils ont entendu que des jeunes gens se renseignaient sur l'adresse de l'adolescent. Enfin, Lieuwe Van Gogh aurait, à l'école, subi les quolibets de jeunes d'origine étrangère affirmant que la mort de son père était "une bonne chose" .

    Ses révélations interpellent d'autant plus l'opinion publique néerlandaise qu'elle a découvert, au fil du procès de Mohammed Bouyeri, la violence avec laquelle le cinéaste a été assassiné, le 2 novembre 2004.

    Le jeune islamiste néerlando-marocain, qui revendiquait clairement son acte et a indiqué qu'il voulait punir "un blasphémateur et un infidèle" , n'a manifesté aucun regret mais a toutefois présenté de timides excuses à la mère de sa victime.

    La police d'Amsterdam, interrogée sur les propos de Mme Van Gogh, affirme prendre l'affaire très au sérieux. L'un de ses porte-parole a indiqué qu'elle avait déjà enquêté suite à des plaintes de la famille mais qu'elle n'avait pu trouver aucune preuve de menaces ou de brutalités.

    Cette version est contredite par la famille, qui affirme que les policiers n'ont entrepris aucune démarche. Au Parlement, le député populiste Geert Wilders a annoncé son intention d'interpeller les ministres de la justice et de l'intérieur.


    Cette affaire survient quand de nombreuses questions sont soulevées par la presse néerlandaise. L'une de celles-ci porte sur le rôle des services de renseignement néerlandais (AIVD). Il se confirme, en effet, qu'ils auraient été alertés par un membre de l'entourage de Mohammed Bouyeri sur le danger que représentait le jeune homme.

    Les services n'auraient pas pris les menaces qu'il proférait au sérieux et des écoutes téléphoniques réalisées quelques mois avant l'assassinat de Theo Van Gogh et pouvant prouver qu'une erreur a été commise ont été étrangement détruites.

    Ces épisodes font monter d'un cran la tension aux Pays-Bas, cités dans divers communiqués revendiqués par des groupes terroristes comme l'une des prochaines cibles d'attentats.

    A en croire une enquête d'opinion publiée jeudi 28 juillet, 71 % des Néerlandais sont convaincus qu'une action terroriste va survenir chez eux dans l'année à venir, 78 % qu'elle aura lieu avant trois ans.

    Jean-Pierre Stroobants
    Article paru dans l'édition du 31.07.05,...-644996,0.html

    L'articolo dice che il figlio di Theo Van Gogh nei mesi scorsi è stato minacciato e aggredito verbalmente da diversi giovani islamici. Secondo la polizia non ci sarebbero prove dell'accaduto, ma la famiglia Van Gogh ha contraddetto questa versione, affermando la poca collaborazione delle forze dell'ordine nell'indagare.

    Viene riportato anche che prima dell'omicidio del regista vennero effettuate delle registrazioni telefoniche nell'ambiente dell'assassino, le quali fornivano dati utili per capire il pericolo che correva il regista. Tali registrazioni sono state misteriosamente distrutte.

  4. #4
    Arthur I


    Why Dutch children
    are escaping city schools


    In the cities, at least, an increasing percentage of the students are from immigrant, and therefore non-white, families. As schools get a reputation as a "black school", a lot of Dutch parents tend to send their children elsewhere.

    Black schools, or Zwarte scholen, have become synonymous with poverty, under-achieving, violence and drugs.

    The situation in the VMBO schools mirrors the increasing mistrust between the various ethnic communities in the Netherlands.


    La scuola olandese è da alcuni anni in crisi. La violenza e il disinteresse per lo studio avanzano parallelamente all'aumentare degli studenti stranieri e della creazioni, quindi, di gruppi etnicamente differenti.

  5. #5
    Arthur I


    One-third of Dutch people want to emigrate

    13 April 2005

    AMSTERDAM — A survey has indicated that 32 percent of Dutch people want to emigrate abroad and that just 51 percent are proud of the Netherlands.

    The survey by Amsterdam-based research bureau Signicom also found that 33 percent of Dutch nationals think that China will have greater power than the US and Europe combined in 10 years time.

    Some 443 people participated in the random sample survey, which also applied new techniques in which respondents were able to spontaneously give their reactions to certain subjects. This time the subject was the Netherlands and China.

    In the new method, called MindWorld, qualitative data is reproduced as quantitative data, in which age is

    also taken into account. And several aspects of the results subsequently come more prominently to the fore.

    The research indicated that Dutch people think more positively about China than they do the Netherlands. Some 46 percent of people think negatively about the Netherlands, compared with 35 percent for China.

    A large amount of the spontaneous reactions over the Netherlands were negative. This was due to political developments, multiculturalism, over-population, criminality and socially distant people.

    But there were also positive appraisals, such as freedom, Dutch national symbols and the landscape, newspaper 'De Telegraaf' reported on Wednesday.

    Negative aspects of China were its high population density, the large size of the country and communism. Positive aspects were its economic future, Chinese food, the rich culture and history and the Chinese wall.

    Many people consider China to have a good future and a large number of Dutch people believe that China will become the new superpower that will conquer the world.

    Ben un terzo degli olandesi vorrebbe abbandonare l'Olanda. Le ragioni sono imputabili alla crescita della violenza, alla crescita demografica (degli stranieri) e allo stesso multiculturalismo, che, evidentemente, togliendo identità, toglie anche una visione più sana del futuro.

  6. #6
    Arthur I


    Sempre sull'argomento riguardante il desiderio di abbandonare l'Olanda:

    More Dutch Plan to Emigrate as Muslim Influx Tips Scales

    Herman Wouters for The New York Times
    Ruud Konings with his wife, Ellie, says Hilvarenbeek was once
    "spontaneous and free," but now he says he fears his two
    teenage children will be "roughed up" by gangs. He is moving
    his family to Australia.


    Published: February 27, 2005

    AMSTERDAM - Paul Hiltemann had already noticed a darkening mood in
    the Netherlands. He runs an agency for people wanting to emigrate
    and his client list had surged.
    But he was still taken aback in November when a Dutch filmmaker was
    shot and his throat was slit, execution style, on an Amsterdam
    In the weeks that followed, Mr. Hiltemann was inundated by e-mail
    messages and telephone calls. "There was a big panic," he said, "a
    flood of people saying they wanted to leave the country."
    Leave this stable and prosperous corner of Europe? Leave this land
    with its generous social benefits and ample salaries, a place of
    fine schools, museums, sports grounds and bicycle paths, all set in
    a lively democracy?
    The answer, increasingly, is yes. This small nation is a magnet for
    immigrants, but statistics suggest there is a quickening flight of
    the white middle class. Dutch people pulling up roots said they felt
    a general pessimism about their small and crowded country and about
    the social tensions that had grown along with the waves of
    newcomers, most of them Muslims."The Dutch are living in a kind of
    pressure cooker atmosphere," Mr. Hiltemann said.
    There is more than the concern about the rising complications of
    absorbing newcomers, now one-tenth of the population, many of them
    from largely Muslim countries. Many Dutch also seem bewildered that
    their country, run for decades on a cozy, political consensus, now
    seems so tense and prickly and bent on confrontation. Those leaving
    have been mostly lured by large English-speaking nations like
    Australia, New Zealand and Canada, where they say they hope to feel
    less constricted.
    In interviews, emigrants rarely cited a fear of militant Islam as
    their main reason for packing their bags. But the killing of the
    filmmaker Theo van Gogh, a fierce critic of fundamentalist Muslims,
    seems to have been a catalyst.
    "Our Web site got 13,000 hits in the weeks after the van Gogh
    killing," said Frans Buysse, who runs an agency that handles
    paperwork for departing Dutch. "That's four times the normal rate."
    Mr. van Gogh's killing is the only one the police have attributed to
    an Islamic militant, but since then they have reported finding death
    lists by local Islamic militants with the names of six prominent
    politicians. The effects still reverberate. In a recent opinion
    poll, 35 percent of the native Dutch questioned had negative views
    about Islam.
    There are no precise figures on the numbers now leaving. But
    Canadian, Australian and New Zealand diplomats here said that while
    immigration papers were processed in their home capitals, embassy
    officials here had been swamped by inquiries in recent months.
    Many who settle abroad may not appear in migration statistics, like
    the growing contingent of retirees who flock to warmer places. But
    official statistics show a trend. In 1999, nearly 30,000 native
    Dutch moved elsewhere, according to the Central Bureau of
    Statistics. For 2004, the provisional figure is close to 40,000.
    "It's definitely been picking up in the past five years," said Cor
    Kooijmans, a demographer at the bureau.
    Ruud Konings, an accountant, has just sold his comfortable home in
    the small town of Hilvarenbeek. In March, after a year's worth of
    paperwork, the family will leave for Australia. The couple said the
    main reason was their fear for the welfare and security of their two
    teenage children.
    "When I grew up, this place was spontaneous and free, but my kids
    cannot safely cycle home at night," said Mr. Konings, 49. "My son
    just had his fifth bicycle stolen." At school, his children and
    their friends feel uneasy, he added. "They're afraid of being
    roughed up by the gangs of foreign kids."
    Sandy Sangen has applied to move to Norway with her husband and two
    school-age children. They want to buy a farm in what she calls "a
    safer, more peaceful place."
    Like the Sangens and Koningses, others who are moving speak of their
    yearning for the open spaces, the clean air, the easygoing civility
    they feel they have lost. Complaints include overcrowding, endless
    traffic jams, overregulation. Some cite a rise in antisocial
    behavior and a worrying new toughness and aggression both in
    political debates and on the streets.


  7. #7
    Arthur I


    (Page 2 of 2)
    Until the killing of Pim Fortuyn, a populist anti-immigration
    politician, in 2002 and the more recent slaying of a teacher by a
    student, this generation of Dutch people could not conceive of such
    violence in their peaceful country.
    After Mr. van Gogh's killing, angry demonstrations and fire-bombings
    of mosques and Muslim schools took place. In revenge, some Christian
    churches were attacked. Mr. Konings said he and many of his friends
    sensed more confrontation in the making, perhaps more violence.
    "I'm a great optimist, but we're now caught in a downward spiral,
    economically and socially," he said. "We feel we can give our
    children a better start somewhere else."
    Marianne and Rene Aukens, from the rural town of Brunssum, had
    successful careers, he as director of a local bank, she as a
    personnel manager. But after much thought they have applied to go to
    New Zealand. "In my lifetime, all the villages around here have
    merged, almost all the green spaces have been paved over," said Mr.
    Aukens, 41. "Nature is finished. There's no more silence; you hear
    traffic everywhere."
    The saying that the Netherlands is "full up" has become a national
    mantra. It was used cautiously at first, because it had an overtone
    of being anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim. But many of those interviewed
    now state it flatly, like Peter Bles. He makes a long commute to a
    banking job in Amsterdam, but he and his wife are preparing to move
    to Australia.
    "We found people are more polite, less stressed, less aggressive
    there," Mr. Bles said. "Perhaps stress has a lot to do with the lack
    of living space. Here we are full up."
    Space is indeed at a premium here in Europe's most densely populated
    nation, where 16.3 million people live in an area roughly the size
    of Maryland. Denmark, which is slightly larger, has 5.5 million
    people. Dutch demographers say their country has undergone one of
    Europe's fastest and most far-reaching demographic shifts, with
    about 10 percent of the population now foreign born, a majority of
    them Muslims.
    Blaming immigrants for many ills has become commonplace.
    Conservative Moroccans and Turks from rural areas are accused of
    disdaining the liberal Dutch ways and of making little effort to
    adapt. Immigrant youths now make up half the prison population. More
    than 40 percent of immigrants receive some form of government
    assistance, a source of resentment among native Dutch. Immigrants
    say, though, that they are widely discriminated against.
    Ms. Konings said the Dutch themselves brought on some of the social
    frictions. The Dutch "thought that we had to adapt to the immigrants
    and that we had to give them handouts," she said. "We've been too
    lenient; now it's difficult to turn the tide."
    To Mr. Hiltemann, the emigration consultant, what is remarkable is
    not only the surge of interest among the Dutch in leaving, but also
    the type of people involved. "They are successful people, I mean,
    urban professionals, managers, physiotherapists, computer
    specialists," he said. Five years ago, he said, most of his clients
    were farmers looking for more land.
    Mr. Buysse, who employs a staff of eight to process visas,
    concurred. He said farmers were still emigrating as Europe cut
    agricultural subsidies. '"What is new," he said, "is that Dutch
    people who are rich or at least very comfortable are now wanting to
    leave the country."

  8. #8
    Arthur I


    Razzismo ispanico anti-bianco negli USA:

    Nightmare Racism and Open Call for Revolution:
    Alex Jones Reports on Mexican Independence Day in Austin, Texas

    Demonstrators’ Shirts Made Reference to the Plan of San Diego, a Genocide Operation against Whites over 16 | September 19, 2005
    By Alex Jones

    I am extremely depressed and have the feeling of being struck by a thunderbolt. Words cannot describe what I witnessed. For that reason, as the pain of what I’ve seen will take some time to percolate and dissipate, this is going to be part one of a three part series.

    First off, anyone who knows me and the body of my work knows that I stand up for the little guy. Whether it’s innocent black farmers in Tulia, Texas being framed by racist white cops, or innocent Hispanic youth laboring in the modern slave fields of corporate prisons, I’m there standing up for them.

    Earlier this year, when a young Hispanic man named Daniel Rocha was shot in the back for absolutely no reason by a female APD officer, I called for her indictment. I interviewed multiple organizations that were trying to get the word out about his tragic death.

    I have protested the Klu Klux Klan at least 10 times – and by protest I don’t mean that I’ve trailed along in the back of a counter rally.

    I have led demonstrations. I have bullhorned the toothless ne’er-do-wells at point blank range and have been the target of their death threats right in front of the police, who did nothing.

    When a young black girl was falsely accused of abusing a baby, we rallied to her cause and she was found not-guilty. When US Marines shot the young Texas goat herder, Esequiel "Zeke" Hernandez, we sent cameras to the border and did dozens of reports on the case.

    If I attempted to give you a bibliography of everything I’ve done in defense of the disadvantaged, it would fill a volume. What is the point I’m making? I don’t have any guilt. I don’t dislike people because of where they’re from or because of their race. I work hard every day of my life to fight tyranny and corruption in places high and low to defend the dignity of the human spirit.

    For many years, I have been aware of the Atzlan reconquista movement, which openly states that it wishes to take over the United States Southwest from California to Louisiana, reunite it with Mexico and forcibly drive out all whites, as well as many blacks, from these states.

    Then I began to learn that Dies y Seis celebrations around the country, which in the past were simply fun equivalents of a Mexican Saint Patrick’s Day, were being infiltrated by extremist Mexican hate groups.

    I talked to some of the groups that were planning to participate in the Dies y Seis parade through downtown Austin this year and it only reaffirmed my previous research that there was a powerful revolutionary core to these groups dedicated to overthrowing Texas and setting up a racial state.

    Being a minority (that’s right, whites are now the minority in Texas and in five other states), this was of great concern to me. I put the call out a day before the parade to my radio listeners that all Americans who understood the threat of the reconquistas and their corporate funders in Washington should assemble in front of the Capitol to simply educate other well-meaning celebrants who hadn’t realized that the Atzlan crowd had co-opted their parade.

    Our press release that was sent to the media clearly stated that we were there to expose racist groups that were preaching their message in the Hispanic community, and that these groups were creating division that was detrimental to everyone.

    Of course, this meant absolutely nothing to the corporate media, who universally went with the line (in four different news stations’ reports and in different newspapers) that what happened was a clash between minutemen (there wasn’t one minuteman in attendance) and loving, wonderful, pure, sweet, innocent people who “just wanted to celebrate Mexican independence.”

    The controlled media continued their lies by running multiple quotes by parade marchers and Congressman Lloyd Doggett that basically anyone questioning anything was a Klu Klux Klan member.

    Our crowd of about a hundred consisted of at least 15 Hispanics and 10 blacks. We have actual TV news reports that show some of these Hispanics and blacks who were with our protest in which they are falsely depicted as being with the other side. In one news clip by News 8 Austin, a young Hispanic girl is wearing an infowars "tyranny response team" t-shirt, but the clip implies that she was protesting us (while she’s talking on my bullhorn).

    Why does the corporate media have such a stake in making this a white vs. brown debate? Answer: divide and conquer.

    (Oh, by the way, if any damages are accrued by these lies, people are going to get sued. Folks who know our history know that’s not a bluff.)

    What did we witness? Why am I so upset?

    At least a third of the participants we talked to said that Texas was Mexico and that they were taking over. Of this third their responses ranged from a belief that our two countries would merge into one nation to that all whites would be killed and that the entirety of the Americas would only be for “indigenous peoples.”

    Of course the haters shouting all of this had European Spanish blood coursing through their veins.

    In parts two and three, I will detail the long trail of horrors that I witnessed as well as posting a lengthy video report documenting our claims. We have ten hours of footage from four cameras, which includes people frothing and screaming racist comments and then calling us racists for saying that we should all live together in peace.

    Near the end of the melee, one of my Hispanic friends walked over to me and began pointing out people wearing shirts promoting the author of the Plan of San Diego. Another friend who has taken Latin-American studies pointed out another shirt directly mentioning the Plan of San Diego.

    Folks, every time I think I know everything about Texas history, I learn how ignorant I am. I asked my friends what the Plan of San Diego was and they told me that it was a plan in Northern Mexico and throughout the Southwest hatched in 1915 that called for the genocide of all white males over 16.

    I’ve known my friends for many years, but I couldn’t believe them. I got home and spent three hours on the Internet at the University of Texas’ historical website, at other universities’ websites in Mexico and Illinois, and on the website of the Hispanic Historical Society.

    What I learned chilled me. They didn’t just write up a plan, they acted upon it, killing at least 21 white males in South Texas in cold-blooded murder. We’re talking helter-skelter, Charlie Manson-type cold-blooded murder of random white ranchers and farmers: cornering people and hacking them up.

    I then found websites making excuses for it by saying, “well, whites did this to natives…” Yes they did. Select military units did, which should have been brought to justice for their actions. And I’ve spoken out against them, be it at Wounded Knee or in Waco.

    Think about it: full-grown adult men with their families wearing shirts calling for the killing of all white males above 16. Will there be a genetic test? Will Hispanics who are more than half white be killed? How far will this racial state go?

    This is the nightmare of tribalism. As this intensifies it’s only going to create friction on both sides. None of us are going to be safe, whether we’re from India, Mexico or Germany.

    Speaking of Germany, the German government got wind of the plan of San Diego, endorsed it in 1917 and attempted to fund an insurrection in the United States during WWI. The same thing happened during WWII.

    According to Hispanic Historical Society’s website, throughout most of early Texas history, Hispanics and whites got along wonderfully (this is obvious as many of the founders of Texas and its solders were Tejano) but after repeated wars and skirmishes with Mexico and the increased publicity of the plan of San Diego a racist sentiment against innocent Hispanics exploded.

    We cannot let that happen here. We have got to get the Hispanic community to expose these vipers in their midst. The Federal government, in the name of “keeping us all safe from each other,” would love to use something like this as an excuse to set up an incredibly powerful police state.

    I don’t want Hispanics looking at whites with fear, nor do I want whites looking at Hispanics with fear. We’re all human beings. Empires have always sought to "divide and conquer" their populations to manipulate.

    The reconquista movement has big corporate funding. In almost every case we’ve researched, rich white men are behind the neo-Aztec movement. One businessman in California bought almost 700 signs telling the public that Los Angeles is now Mexico. This is an attempt to create false pride by which people can be easily steered.

  9. #9
    Arthur I


    La cacciata dei bianchi dallo Zimbabwe e i suoi risultati economici:

    September 21, 2005

    Last white farmers defy Mugabe ploy to drive them out
    From Jan Raath in Chipinge

    WHEN Rob Clowes’s farm was nationalised last Wednesday, he continued repairing a pump and supervising the planting of coffee seedlings. Soon there will be £20,000 worth of imported avocado seedlings to go in, and 63 acres to be planted with macadamia nuts.
    The coffee will be ready for harvest in 2008, and a couple of years later the avocados and nuts will be ready for export to Europe. His daughter, Jemma, will be set for grade 1 at the little school that the Chipinge commercial farming community built, down the road from his 380-acre farm, Destiny.

    But not if Didymus Mutasa, Zimbabwe’s Minister of Land Reform and State Security, has anything to do with it. “White farmers are dirty and should be cleared out,” he said on Sunday. “The Government will not hesitate to take their farms to resettle the black people.”

    Mr Mutasa has a new weapon at his disposal. President Mugabe has just signed into law a constitutional amendment widely seen as the coup de grâce for the country’s 500 remaining white farmers.

    Since 2000, when Mr Mugabe started his lawless, violent seizures of white land, only a handful of properties have been legally acquired by the State, because the farmers have gone to court to block to the acquisition process.

    The amendment declares all land designated for “compulsory acquisition” since 2000 — in effect every one of the 5,200 white-owned farms — to be state property, and nullifies all 4,000 pending court cases.

    About 40 white families are still farming in the fertile hills of Chipinge, in southeastern Zimbabwe, probably the largest surviving such community.

    In June Mr Clowes, 30, and his wife, who at the time was pregnant, endured a 16-day invasion of his farm by a group of stoned young thugs sent to drive him off his land.

    He hopes that the Government will allow the holdouts to continue producing the food and hard currency that it desperately needs. “We have been living on hope for five years. We will go on living in hope that sanity will prevail,” he said.

    “You can’t stop farming. Africa is a huge risk, but it’s worth it. In Chipinge, it’s the perfect place to grow things. The financial rewards are good. We love it here, my kids love it here.

    “If we move off, we have to know we have tried everything. If they come with guns, we will be out. But I don’t want to look back and say, ‘we had a chance of a lifetime and we failed’.”

    His neighbours feel the same. Trevor Gripper runs a 2,500-acre farm that has been in his family for 111 years. He has been forced off all but 18 acres. His father was shot dead on the farm in 1978 during the country’s civil war.

    The settlers have destroyed 500 acres of coffee, and burnt most of the 250 acres of macadamia nuts. Mr Gripper said: “We will survive it. When you get a stitch in a race, you keep going till you cross that line. You are stupid if you walk off.”

    In 1999, Harry, a farmer who asked not to be identified, spent $1 million on 100 miles of piping and a dam to irrigate 500 acres of new coffee. When the first crop was ready, a mob of state security agents, soldiers and policemen invaded the plantation on the pretence of resettling themselves. They picked the coffee, sold it and stole the pipes. They have not been seen since.

    “We’re as good as bankrupt now,” said Harry, whose great-grandfather settled on the farm in 1893. “The land is nationalised so we have no land to borrow money on any more.”

    He has turned to making cheeses while his son farms what is left of the property. In June a large delegation of senior military, police and security officials arrived and ordered him to get off the farm in four hours. “I told them, ‘you can kill me, I am not leaving here. I am going to die here’.” They have not returned — yet.


    President Mugabe began the violent eviction of white farmers in 2000, listing more than 5,000 of their 8,000 farms for takeover

    There are now about 500 farms in white occupation around the country

    The total white population is less than 50,000, compared with more than 300,000 in the mid-1990s

    A World Bank report shows that GDP has declined by more than 20 per cent since 2000; agriculture output has fallen by 26 per cent.,00.html,00.html

  10. #10
    Arthur I


    Notizia (senza link) sulla situazione dei bianchi in Sudafrica:

    Dal Corriere della Sera:

    mercoledì, 1 giugno, 2005
    Lo spot del Sudafrica: «Bianchi, tornate a casa»

    Campagna pubblicitaria per richiamare i 250 mila andati in esilio nel dopo apartheid: « C' è bisogno di voi »

    Gli appelli e le promesse non fermano l' esodo. Un italiano che vive a Johannesburg: « Sono pronto a emigrare in Australia, per i nostri figli qui non c' è futuro »

    « In Sudafrica mi hanno rapito due volte. Vivevo con la pistola sul comodino. In Nuova Zelanda vivo in un paesino di 50 mila abitanti. Su 90 medici, noi sudafricani siamo venti. Si sta con la porta aperta anche la sera. Possono fare tutte le campagne pubblicitarie che vogliono, ma indietro non torno » . Questo dice il dottor David van Buuren al settimanale di Johannesburg Sunday Times . « Indietro non torno » . Non è l' unico a pensarla così. Un terzo dei sudafricani bianchi laureati in medicina dal ' 90 al ' 97 sono all' estero. A partire sono i giovani ingegneri in cerca di lavoro, ma anche chi è diventato grande con l' apartheid, quando anche le autopsie ( per dirne una) obbedivano alle leggi della segregazione razziale e gli studenti neri non potevano sezionare cadaveri bianchi ( ma non viceversa). Quel regime è finito: nei grandi magazzini di Melville, nel centro di Johannesburg, i ragazzini si distinguono per la marca del telefonino più che dal colore della pelle. Sarà per questo che l' « esodo bianco » continua? Negli ultimi 11 anni, dalle prime elezioni democratiche del ' 94, almeno 250.000 sono andati altrove. Gran Bretagna ( 155 mila), Australia ( 83 mila). Partono quelli dai 20 ai 40 anni, molti laureati, ma anche i padri di famiglia. C' è chi pensa di farli tornare indietro, di fermare questo « brain drain » . Come? Con una campagna pubblicitaria che ha un nome toccante, e anche un po' tonitruante: « La rivoluzione del ritorno » . Potete darci un' occhiata al sito Internet www. homecomingrevolution. co. za . E' un mix tra la pubblicità progresso e l' agenzia turistica, una foto forse con il mare di Cape Town, la silhoutte di un uomo con le braccia alzate, la freccia multicolore che ricorda l' arcobaleno simbolo della « Rainbow Revolution » di Mandela. Ogni mese 10 mila visitatori. Anche il dottor Van Buuren ci ha fatto una capatina, dalla sua casa senza serrature in Nuova Zelanda. A quelli come lui l' organizzazione non governativa guidata da Angel Jones indirizza i dépliants distribuiti presso le ambasciate in giro per il mondo. Il messaggio è rassicurante: non abbiate paura, il Paese sta cambiando per il meglio, tornate. Nel sito Internet scorrono notizie positive: il Sudafrica è la 25esima economia mondiale, la 15esima Borsa, il terzo Paese per la bontà dell' acqua dal rubinetto, ha il record della « via del vino » più lunga, Moody' s ha appena aumentato il rating... Basterà a convincere chi viveva con la Browning 9 millimetri sul comodino? Non fa testo un' attrice come Charlize Theron, che ogni tanto va a Johannesburg per una photo opportunity con il vecchio Nelson per poi rifiondarsi a Beverly Hills. In quanti sono tornati? Gli alfieri della « Homecoming revolution » , intervistati dal quotidiano francese Le Monde , non forniscono dati. Certo sembra una campagna persa, se si presta ascolto a un modenese di 42 anni che vive in Sudafrica dal 1971. Parla al Corriere da Johannesburg, non vuole che esca il suo nome perché ha un po' paura. Ha deciso anche lui di emigrare in Australia, ma non è sicuro di farcela. Ha la mamma anziana e le autorità australiane, dice, fanno un po' di resistenza nel dare un visto a una signora di 75 anni. Perché C. F. si è disinnamorato del Sudafrica? « Io qui vivo bene, ho un' attività di consulenza aziendale, non ho visto diminuire il mio tenore di vita. Sono cresciuto nelle scuole pubbliche, con i neri. Quando l' apartheid è finito non temevamo il governo di Mandela, ma una controrivoluzione violenta degli estremisti bianchi » . E adesso? « Sono preoccupato per i miei due figli. Il loro futuro. Sarà sempre più difficile trovare lavoro, soprattutto per i maschi » . Perché? « Con la cosiddetta discriminazione positiva, il governo del l' Anc sta riducendo gli spazi per i bianchi » . L' idea è di privilegiare i neri e le donne nelle assunzioni, con un sistema di quote, per creare una black middle class . « Invece stanno ottenendo l' opposto: fanno crescere una élite nera accanto a quella bianca. A perderci saranno i miei figli » . La pensano così tanti bianchi della classe media: Joe, assistente sociale incontrato sulla riva dell' Orange (figlia felice infermiera a Londra) come Andrew, tecnico di Johannesburg che sfidò il regime facendo abbattere (quando Mandela era ancora in prigione) il muro che divideva il suo quartiere dal ghetto di Tamboville (« ora mio figlio non potrà andare all' università per quelle maledette quote ») . Discriminazione al contrario? Nadine Gordimer, Nobel per la Letteratura, ride sarcastica quando osserva che la prima domanda che le rivolgono i giornalisti stranieri è sempre la stessa: come se la passano i bianchi? « Come se le sorti di 6 milioni di privilegiati contassero più dei 35 milioni di neri di questo Paese » . Certo, il 10% dei bianchi vive sotto la soglia di povertà. Ma il reddito medio di una famiglia bianca è di 190.000 rand l' anno ( più di 20 mila euro) ed è in costante crescita. Quello dei neri è di 43 mila rand. Anche Bobo vorrebbe emigrare, vedere il mondo. Un anno fa teneva una scalcinata biblioteca civica a Soweto, faceva l' allacciatore abusivo « ufficiale » di energia elettrica ( con tanto di tuta azzurra) e a tempo perso ha fatto da guida al Corriere per una settimana. Orfano, con i fratelli sul gobbo, non ci stava dentro con i soldi. Adesso fa il becchino, si è messo nel ramo pompe funebri: nel Paese che è la culla dell' Aids un lavoro sicuro. La fuga all' estero, e l' eventuale « rivoluzione del ritorno » , è un lusso che non può permettersi. « Il Sudafrica è mezzo pieno. Quindi tornate a casa » . Lo spot con il bicchiere fa parte della campagna pubblicitaria lanciata dalla organizzazione non governativa « Homecoming revolution » per far rientrare 250.000 bianchi che hanno lasciato il Paese dal ' 94. Gran Bretagna e Australia i Paesi preferiti.

    Michele Farina
    Notare le ridicole affermazioni di Nadine Gordimer...


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